Left Azofra and started climbing. Reached Santo de Mingo de la Calzada an old medieval city filled with convents. Went on till I got to Grañon. Decided to go on some more and met a nice Italian couple, Nadia and Davido. Walked with them till Redicilla del Camino, entering the third county of the Camino. There we went to an alberge which you give a donation as your choice to stay there. The Italian couple met with the rest of the group they were walking with, people they met on the way. Had a nice dinner and went to sleep.
17/7 24 km
Woke up and started walking with the group. There was a church built inside a mountain in Tosantos. We wanted to get inside, but the road was blocked due to rock slides. Went on to Vilafranca-Mortes de Oca. Saw Ares again, 28 year old picture arranger from Barcelona. Bout some cheese. Had dinner with the group and Ares, headed up making "Ptitim" (does anybody know the name in English?) which they LOVED :) Davido had a bad knee, so he and Nadia decided they're going to Burgos to see a doctor.
18/7 40 km
Started walking alone. Met two German girls from before. We were all impressed to see the sun rise for the first time since we started the Camino (at about 7am, till then it was too cloudy). Had a nice change in the view, from vineyards to pine tree forest. Ate some cheese and choriso with Ares and continued walking to Cardeñuela-Riopio. It was hot as hell. As I got there, I found out there was no alburge. The group were also there with the same problem. We ate and had a siesta at a bar nearby and continued another 15 km to Burgos. Walked mainly in the city and industrial areas. As we reached the cathedral, two Spanish guys from the group said they knew a short cut to the alberge. It took us almost an hour. We met Nadia and Davido who had to rest for a few days, and if that doesn't work, an operation. Went straight to bed.
19/7 11 km
Had a rest day. Went with Nadia, Davido and Frank, a German cargo ship captain to see the cathedral (only 10 minutes from the alberge). It was beautiful. They all left for León (about 200 km ahead) because they're short on time and the next part should be a bit boring. I walked a bit to Rabé de las Calzadas to a privet alberge. Apparently the owners, Michel and Santiago, are VERY in to the Camino. He marks the way with the famous yellow arrows, and she is part of the Camino comity. They had a huge room filled with Camino maps and books and maps and books and shells and anything linked to the Camino I was almost alone in that place until an Italian guy came. Michel treated my blisters and made us a great dinner. We went to bed early and had a room of 8 all to ourselves. Luckily the Italian guy didn't snore :)
20/7 25 km
21/7 23 km
Woke up late (7:30) had breakfast with those wonderful people, and started walking. I don't understand why they say this part is boring. There are endless fields of wheat. And once you climb to a high point, it's just breathtaking. Walked with a nice catholic nurse named Ruth (28). On the way there were two volunteered refreshing parts. Got to an alberge with a pool at Boa Dilla del Camino. quiet a different relaxation from the last night
Walked 344 km. Only 420 to go.
Buen Camino
2 תגובות:
Orzo is the name for ptitim.
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