31 ביולי 2008

Villa franca del biezro

Started walking and soon got to a ruin village with only one standing building, the albergue. Apparently, the guy running the place is a Templar Knight. Walked down the mountain, enjoying each step. The view was AMAZING. I couldn´t believe it got prettier each step I took. In the end got to a small city called Ponferada. There was a Templar castle over there, very impressing on the outside. Not so on the inside. There was a group of deaf people playing Taki (or Uno) in the albergue. It was very funny to watch. They taught me how to say "Buenos dias" in sign language (and if you don't know what "Buenos dias" means, go look it up). Had macaroni for dinner with P&P and went to sleep.

I was woken up at 6 am by the hosts who turn on the light. It was the first time on the Camino I felt someone was kicking me out. Most of the day was walking straight, near vineyards and wheat fields. It's funny. It is though someone has taken the road from St. Jean pied the port to Astorga and squeezed it into 3 days. Got to a nice place between the hills named Villa Franca del Biezro. Went to a nice distant archeological albergue. After it being gray all day it finally started to rain. Heavily.

Walked 606 km, only 176 km to go...
Buen Camino!

new pics!

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